For me, the best part about coffee cake is the crispy, crunchy, buttery crumbs. So here I significantly upped the amounts used. Bake times will vary according...
This is a wonderful peanut brittle that is easy to make and wows everyone! Have all the ingredients for this recipe measured out and ready. This recipe...
This is a buttery coconut-pecan cookie. The crunch comes from the pecans and coconut, but the cookie itself is chewy. I do not add salt to this recipe,...
The red and green make a great Christmas cookie. Have used other nuts instead of pistachios with success. If your pistachios are salted, omit the 1/4 teaspoon...
This pastel-green, easy-to-make cake is super moist with a light, creamy frosting that is perfect for any holiday like Christmas, St. Patrick's Day, Easter,...
Because pecan trees are such an iconic symbol in Texas, this recipe is a classic in any Southern home. I remember eating this cake as a baby, even picking...
I got this recipe from an old Army mess hall sergeant who later became a chef down in Savannah, GA. This is a wonderful, different nut cake. It is equally...
I won first place with this cake at the Cuyahoga County Fair (Cleveland, Ohio) in 1993. For a nuttier variation, you can substitute 1 cup of the flour...
These squares are my husband's favorite. We get some real, pure maple syrup from back home in Ontario, Canada, and they are just to die for. Hope you enjoy...
Toasting the almonds and adding almond extract is what make this recipe stand apart. It is a great treat to give out during the holidays. Substitute broken...
This moist, light cake is "berry" delicious as a dessert or for breakfast. Your house will smell just wonderful while it is baking and cooling. Recipe...
This is an easy recipe to follow and it's great for any occasion. It's a very moist loaf cake, ideally cut into slices and buttered. It keeps very well...
I received this recipe from an old Southern cook, a copy of a copy of a typed-up sheet from long ago, annotated with her notes (which included the word...
This recipe for carrot cake with crushed pineapple and pecans was given to my mother in 1976. This takes quite a bit of prep, but is well worth the time...
A secret ingredient of sour cream makes this cake so moist, dense, and delicious! I use this recipe for my kids' birthdays, but it's a favorite for wedding...
A friend of mine, who picks pecans every year, brought me some of these yummy bars along with a sack of pecans. They are incredibly rich and gooey, and...